
Like the Swoosh?

I worshipped at First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn yesterday. First Cong is an historic congregation -- they formed in 1862.

I was warmly welcomed and really enjoyed the puzzled looks I got from the senior and associate ministers as they saw me and asked "What are you doing here?" Then I told them I was taking a sabbatical.

I thoroughly enjoyed worshipping at First Cong. Though they don't have a praise band that plays regularly, on this Sunday Harley and Gabrielle Ferris from First Presbyterian Church of River Forest led an energized praise chorus from First Cong. I even got to hear "Fly" and "Kingdom Come"in their first public performance. (Harley wrote both songs.)

The morning's guest preacher was Ron Buford, the director of the UCC's "God is Still Speaking" Initiative. I loved hearing from Ron at the training I attended the day before. He is passionate about telling others about God's extravagant welcome. I was glad for another dose. (Ron is the man who has a dream to have the UCC comma to be as well known as the Nike swoosh)

The most moving part of the worship service for me was the closing hymn -- a breathtaking rendition of Amazing Grace.

God is still giving chills, too.

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