

Here's this week's Bible study blog post:

What does the parable of the Good Samaritan get you to think?

This thought comes to my mind:

God’s neighborhood is one where everyone is important.
God’s neighborhood is one where the way a person dresses or how much money they have doesn’t make them special – the fact that they are a child of God makes them special.
God’s neighborhood is one where unconditional love really does exist.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for all kinds of different people.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for babies, children, youth, young adults, middle age- adults, seniors – everyone.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for those with no education and those with advanced degrees.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for rich people, poor people and “barely scraping by” people.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for people with disabilities and people with brain disorders.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for Republicans, Democrats, independents, Greens, Tea Partiers, political activists and political apathists.
God’s neighborhood is big enough for soldiers, militia, and terrorists.

God's neighborhood is big enough for all.
Everyone in God’s neighborhood is a neighbor.
Show mercy to your neighbor.

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