
Resolution recap

At the beginning of 2008 I made several resolutions.  Let's see how I did following through!

I’m going to lose 32 pounds

I lost about 25 -- gained much of it back.  Weight loss goes on the 2009 list, too!

I’m going to produce the opening sequences, closing credits and 7 episodes of "The Man with the Guitar" video series.

I made 5.  Not bad.  I'll produce more this year, but it's not going on the resolution list.

I’m going to record the new song, "No More Trying" with members of my family and some of their friends.

I did lay down some very rough music tracks early in the year, and I never did anything else with the song.  Put that one on the 2009 list, too.

I’m going to record and release "The Man with the Guitar" Christmas songs record.

This one never got past the planning stage. . . Another for 2009

It looks like I have at least three resolutions to post for the new year!

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