
Underneath the National Pastor's Convention 2008 - 6

Deeply touched

Yesterday was about God’s transformational power for me. Today I was deeply touched by so much around me.

Here are two of the most powerful moments:

  • Kendall Payne – Sure – she has a beautiful voice and a gift for songwriting. But her song “I Will Show You Love " reached into my soul.
  • Ken Medema – He’s been tying things together beautifully after each general session. The song he sang after this morning’s session moved me more than any other this week. Sensing the longing and brokenness that is present in so many of us at this conference, he kept repeating the phrase “I am on your side” (borrowed from Kendall’s song) to describe God’s caring love. There were more than a few tears in the house.
Today was also the last day for the stage crew (where I've been 'working' this week) to put free stuff on the seats. We had a particularly short window to get everything accomplished late this afternoon and so we made a plea for help. At least 40 people must've come to our aid and we got everything done in record time. My heart was . . . strangely warmed.

Closing worship tomorrow, followed by intense clean-up and a plane home.


Brian Vinson said...

Some of us last minute volunteers really liked the opportunity to serve - I'm wired to serve, and at the NPC I was being served the whole time!!!!

Kirk Moore said...

Thank you for making our day! The whole week was wonderful -- but when y'all stepped up to help us when we were wondering if we could complete our task -- really served us and lifted our spirits!