
What do you see?

Here's this week's Bible study blog entry for i.ucc.org:

This week's Bible reading is from Matthew 2:1-12 -- the visit of the Magi.

What's the message of the visit of the Magi?

  • I don't think it is in how many of them there were
  • Or exactly what they were Or who they were
  • Or even where they were from
  • I don’t think the message is in what they followed
  • I don’t think the timing of when they arrived is really significant either
  • And I don’t think the gifts they brought are central to the message
So I've been spending a whole lot of time talking about what the message isn't. If the message isn't in all the things I've mentioned already, where is it? What is it?

I believe the message is that these visitors from another land, another culture and another religion recognized Jesus.

Before we start jumping right to saying something like “Everyone should recognize Jesus – The Magi did! Why doesn’t everyone open their eyes and see Jesus and become followers of Jesus?” I think we should focus in a different direction.

Do we recognize Jesus? We don’t have a baby in Bethlehem to visit. How can we see Jesus?

Strangers in this week's Bible reading saw Jesus’ face.

What about when Jesus has a stranger’s face? How do we reach out to others with Jesus love?

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