
UCC General Synod - Day 0

I left today as a relaxing travel day . . . turns out I needed it!

  • My first flight out of O'Hare was cancelled (I have no idea why) but after waiting in a long line (and chatting with Sue -- a friend of a few years who just happened to be there too!) and talking with an already weary, but very friendly US Air ticket agent I flew to Hartford via Washington DC. I arrived about three hours after I originally expected.
  • On the DC plane I met Brian, who was on his way to Cape Town, South Africa to research building a school there. Great conversation -- and both of us slept for most of the flight.
  • The airlines lost (delayed) my suitcase – but my guitar made it! (Hopefully I'll get the suitcase tonight!)
  • I loved the hospitality for Synod at the airport – They had smiles, kindness and cookies!
    Everything is working great at the hotel working great (though I did need a lesson on how to open the door!)
  • I went to the hotel across the parking lot and picked up all my "Synod stuff" so that I know where I'm supposed to go when :)
  • I walked across the street to have dinner at Margaritas (If anyone is keeping "nutrition" score, I had tomato and onion nachos -- cheddar and monterey jack cheese -- no meat) I was sitting alone at the bar and had the chance to meet Duane -- the sales manager for Diamond Glass. He was friendly, talkative and great company for dinner!

It’s been long, but it has been a wonderful and surprisingly relaxing day. Tomorrow morning I'll head over to the civic center for all the fun!


Peter said...

My apologies about the flight. US Air is (at least was at one time) controlled by David Bronner, the CEO of the Alabama Teacher's Retirement System (of which I am a member). Dr. Bronner is a fine man- one of the few competent people in Alabama government. But I gather he could do little to turn US Air around into a smart investment.

Hope you at least had some time to be an inspired songwriter!

Kirk Moore said...

Everything's great -- and I got my luggage this morning too!