
Box it up

If there’s a controversy brewing – or one that’s already brewed, there’s usually a need for a containment expert.  Someone to keep what shouldn’t get out – or what has already gotten out -- contained - in a box of sorts.  That kind of containment necessity is usually evident, or at least occurs, with celebrities and also with political campaigns.  I’m sure it occurs in many other situations and with many other people.  It’s just not as visible as high-profile situations.

There’s also the not-high-profile, not at all controversial, and completely different idea about containment.  We also contain things like food, products . . . just about anything. 

Whether there’s something controversial, dangerous, innocuous, or just “in need of a place to hold it,” -- folks usually see containment in a positive or at least non-threatening way.

Of course, there are the “You can’t contain me!” kinds of speeches and situations.  You can’t contain someone’s passion.  You can’t contain a movement that won’t be stopped.  You can’t contain an idea whose time has come.

And you can’t contain God.

So why do we try?

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