

Things seem to always start off with such promise.  Spirits are high.  Energy is increasing, vision is clear and prophetic.

And then an hour passes.

Or maybe a week.  Or a month, or even a few years.

“How come everything perfect hasn’t happened?  Why didn’t you do all the right things to make everything work out perfectly?  You really must not care about all those things you said, since you haven’t changed the world and made it all come true!”

Life disappoints.

In this week’s Bible reading from Romans 5:1-5, this line stands out:  “and hope does not disappoint us,”

Really?  It seems as if hope is what always disappoints.  Or maybe it’s the loss of hope after whatever time has passed where it seems OK to be disappointed.  Nevertheless, things seem to begin with hope. And then that hope moves towards disappointment.

How has your hope led to something great?
How has it led to disappointment?

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