
When it's hard to be kind

Here's this week's Bible study blog entry for i.ucc:

Peninnah treated Hannah cruelly. She provoked her just to irritate her. What she did to Hannah was awful, unkind, unconscionable and simply mean. In this week’s reading from 1 Samuel 1:4-20, her cruelty is glaring.

I am one who seeks to live the phrase, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey . . . you’re welcome here,” I also say, and try to live the words, “God loves everyone – not just the people you like or agree with – EVERYONE.”

And I have a real difficult time showing kindness and love for folks who manipulate, exploit, ridicule, and abuse others.

I have a real difficult time showing kindness and love for folks who make up lies, distort what other people say, use fear and hate as weapons, call some of God’s children evil names, and do it all while calling themselves Christian.

Hannah prayed. She poured out her soul to God. I wonder if she had trouble showing kindness and love for Peninnah?

I sure do.

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