
UCC General Synod - Day 2

What an amazing day! Synod in the City brought even more life to a life-filled and life-giving synod.

Here are today's highlights for me:

  • Bill Moyers: He danced right up to the powerful and prophetic words he really wanted to say a few times -- in the end he left us in awe by saying "Jesus will throw the money changers right out of the temple of democracy"
  • Christopher Grundy: I'd never heard his music until a few weeks ago. I arrived at his concert late, but got to hear him sing about welcoming children at communion. He also sang a song a lament -- reminding us that the Psalms were mostly sad songs and that it is perfectly OK to offer sad songs to God. I love the way this man thinks and writes!
  • The Children's Orchestra under the direction of Dr. H.T. Ma: This orchestra played marvelously -- I was moved to tears and chills several times. The senior in high school who played a most extraordinary violin solo (I'll call him 'Famous Ben" because I don't know his last name) exhibited talent I am sure we will hear more of soon.
  • Barack Obama: He brought more light into the house as he shared about faith and politics. He kept coming back to the idea that the big issues of our day really are a "matter of conscience" and that issues like the Iraq war are not only a security problem -- they are a moral problem. He also challenged us and reminded us that we need to keep listening because God is still speaking to us. (The reporters were out in full force for this one -- I'm sure you can find hundreds of links to Sen. Obama's speech. Here's one from the New York Times)
  • More fun in the i.ucc booth. We did run out of handouts, however!
  • Rachel Barton Pine: She played the most moving variation of "Happy Birthday" I have ever heard.
  • UCC Youth: Their live time capsule reminded us that while youth are the future of our denomination, they are also the church of today.
  • Lasers: Honoring Charles Townes (UCC member and the inventor of the laser) and celebrating our 50th birthday as a denomination, we were treated to the best laser show I have ever seen!

This church knows how to celebrate!


Anonymous said...

A number of videos of the day are up, including the talented soloist from the Children's Orchestra Society. (http://www.ucc.org/synod/video-archive.html)

Kirk Moore said...

Great videos! I wish we could save'em too!